Pragmatism in Organization Studies Research Community
We are an international community of management and business scholars with a shared sensibility rooted in American Pragmatism, and in particular the classical Pragmatism of Charles Sanders Peirce, William James, John Dewey, George Herbert Mead, Mary Parker Follett and Jane Addams. Together, we are rediscovering pragmatism for its vitality, its tools of disciplined inquiry, and the resources it offers to support meaningful inquiry in research, education, and practice today.
Who we are & what we do
We are an international community of university researchers and teachers united by our common interest in using American Pragmatism, especially classical Pragmatism (Peirce, James, Dewey, Mead, Follett, Addams) as our foundational guidance for the study of business management and organization studies.
Our goal is to promote and advance impactful research in this field through collaboration, sharing of knowledge and ideas, and providing resources to support our members. We are committed to interdisciplinary research and teaching, and to advancing the understanding of how American Pragmatism can be used to address the challenges facing businesses, public agencies, third sector actors and societies broadly. We are scholars and practitioners who are passionate about making a difference in the world.
Our community features several Groups for drill down further into specific topics -- please browse the introductions and join any that appeal. PhD Student researchers are especially welcome and we invite you to engage with our debates and take advantage of tools and conversations in the PhD Resources page.
You will also find related conversations and announcements at our LinkedIn Group.
In November 2024, community member Prof. Philippe Lorino presented “How Pragmatist Philosophy Can Advance Organization Studies”, a 90-minute discussion building on themes developed in his award-winning book ‘Pragmatism and Organizational Studies (2018). The video can be viewed here.
Meet the Convenors
John Tull (EGOS, POS community meetings, POS special guest events, website)
Alvin Panjeta (EGOS, POS community meetings, POS special guest events, website)
Anna Rylander-Eklund (EGOS), Barbara Simpson (EGOS PDW, OS Workshop), Line Revsbæk (EGOS, EGOS PDW, POS PhD Course), Bente Elkjaer (EGOS, PHILOS), Catherine Casler (POS Reading Group), David Jarrett (AOM), Frank Jan de Graaf (EGOS, POS community meetings, POS special guest events), Frithjof Wegener (EGOS), Karen Golden-Biddle (EGOS), Katie Beavan (EGOS PDW, OS workshop), Kristiane Fjaer Lindland (POS community meetings, POS special guest events), Philippe Lorino (EGOS, PHILOS), Piera Morlacchi (POS community meetings).
Interested in pragmatism? Join us for community events, reading groups, and conference themes