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Recent Publications adopting Pragmatism in Organisation Studies

We believe in the power of collaborative, interdisciplinary learning and sharing among our community members. That's why we offer a platform for members to share their research and insights, plus discoveries of kindred spirits publishing in relevant disciplines, with each other. Our resources include research papers, case studies, and other materials related to business management and organization studies. We believe in the practical application of our approach and strive to provide our members with the tools they need to succeed. Click the links below to browse our resources and access the materials.

Building a Purpose of the Company: Friedman and Freeman as Beacons in a Pragmatist Theory of the Firm

Frank Jan de Graaf. Business Ethics Quarterly (forthcoming 2024).

Collaborative leadership: a processual approach

Linda Buchan and Barbara Simpson. "Collaborative leadership: a processual approach." The Routledge Critical Companion to Leadership Studies. 2024.

Home Alone and All Together: Lightness of agency in social inquiry

Arne Carlsen and Øyvind Kvalnes. "Home Alone and All Together: Lightness of agency in social inquiry." Organization Studies (2023): 01708406231166806.

A pragmatist critique of the economic theory of the commons

Philippe Lorino. A pragmatist critique of the economic theory of the commons. Journal of Openness, Commons & Organizing, 2022, pp.11-15. hal-03590535

The Untapped Power of Discovery: How to Create Change That Inspires a Better Future

Karen Golden-Biddle. The Untapped Power of Discovery: How to Create Change That Inspires a Better Future. Taylor & Francis, 2024.

Building a Purpose of the Company: Friedman and Freeman as Beacons in a Pragmatist Theory of the Firm

Frank Jan de Graaf. Business Ethics Quarterly (forthcoming 2024).

Collaborative leadership: a processual approach

Linda Buchan and Barbara Simpson. "Collaborative leadership: a processual approach." The Routledge Critical Companion to Leadership Studies. 2024.

Home Alone and All Together: Lightness of agency in social inquiry

Arne Carlsen and Øyvind Kvalnes. "Home Alone and All Together: Lightness of agency in social inquiry." Organization Studies (2023): 01708406231166806.

A pragmatist critique of the economic theory of the commons

Philippe Lorino. A pragmatist critique of the economic theory of the commons. Journal of Openness, Commons & Organizing, 2022, pp.11-15. hal-03590535

The Untapped Power of Discovery: How to Create Change That Inspires a Better Future

Karen Golden-Biddle. The Untapped Power of Discovery: How to Create Change That Inspires a Better Future. Taylor & Francis, 2024.

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